Friday, March 30, 2007

Uh Oh...we have a biter! (10/3/2006)

Uh-Oh...we have a biter!
Date: 10/3/2006
Hope Louise has had two sad notes sent home from school the last two days for biting! And she bit John last night. She definitely knows what she's done, because she on the way home from school yester day I said "Hope, did you bite your friend at school today?" And she said "FINGER!" The note said she bit the friend's finger. Any suggestions on how to get her to stop are appreciated. I was not going to have a biter child! What happened?! We brought her "No Biting" book to school today to share with her friends...if she has any left!On a lighter note, she did identify every letter in the alphabet this week. And she can spot her name when it's written. She says "H-O-P-E...Hope!"

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