Friday, March 30, 2007

Open Shut Them (10/1/2006)

Open Shut Them
Date: 10/1/2006
Ok, in case I haven't told you about "Open Shut Them" This is part of an email I sent to D'Dawn last week:Things are going alot better now. Hope has stopped screaming at the top of her lungs when we pull into the parking lot of school. She has done a complete 180. She likes to go now, which makes it so much easier. At school, she learned a song about what they can do with their hands. It goes "Open, shut them, Open shut them, give a little clap clap clap..." Hope loves this song, and sings it at least 50 times a day, as loud as she can, wherever we go. There is one small problem. Hope's version goes "Oh Sh..! Oh Sh..!" I am completely mortified. It made a great impression on everyone at church. Oh, and everyone at the grocery store too!

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