Friday, March 30, 2007

Mommy's Back!!
Date: 3/1/2007
And if you are wondering who was more excited, it was me. I got a big hug from Hope, but then we went to the Cracker Barrel, and she asked if she could go to April's House. At least we know she had a good time with April! I think she and her daddy had a pretty good time too. John was sick part of the time, and Hope took good care of him while he wasn't feeling well. Thankfully, she didn't get sick too. I promised to bring her a monkey home, but she decided she needed a pig instead, so we have a new pig, named Sooie! Sooie adds to her collection of friends she sleeps with every night. 2 Ooo Ooos (the original from Clay), Little Pink Ooo Ooo (from Mimi), Honey, Big Pink Bear (from Oprah via Austin), Dora, and puppy (also from Clay) I have no idea how she sleeps with all of those things, but she does, and she knows if someone is missing! I enjoyed my trip with my mom, but I will not be leaving Hope again any time soon. She does fine without me, but I am not fine without her!

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