Friday, March 30, 2007

Date: 2/24/2007

Here's a Slideshow I just made...some new pics and some old ones too! Hope has had a great February! She has had her school pictures made, had her first haircut (by her good friend Ms. Susan!), spent LOTS of time with her April and Susan and Paul, had a visit from her Mimi, Nenny and Clara...She will get to spend lots more time with her April, Susan and Paul this week, as they are helping John with her while I am out of town to a Children's Ministry Conference in Birmingham. We are so lucky that the Walkers are here to help us. We don't know what we would do with out them! Oh, one more piece of info: John has a new job! Still in the Dallas area, but with a new company. We are very excited about this new opportunity for our family. God is Good!

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