Monday, November 30, 2009

Sick (but funny) Baby

Noah is sick. He does seem to catch every thing that goes around. He is going to have one heck of an immune system one day. While he was pretty puny most of the day, he was still so funny too. He said his first sort of sentence today. He said, "No Mama!" Aww, how sweet. Then tonight, he successfully delayed his bedtime. I told him several times that it was time to go find his Elmo and his passy. He usually doesn't fight it much, but tonight, he just looked at me, went to his room, grabbed his "Brown Bear, Brown Bear" book, came back to the living room, sat in his little chair, opened the book, and starts humming/ singing the words. I kept saying "let's go.." He would look right at me, then look right back at his book and keep "reading." So stinkin cute, even if he was challenging me. I am hoping tomorrow is a better day. With less yucky diapers. Less snot too would be nice, but definitely less yucky diapers.

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