Monday, December 01, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is always a great day. My sister claims she designed her house for Thanksgiving day, and she did a great job. It is a blend of families, with lots of Aunts, Uncles, cousins, grandparents and siblings. There are usually around 30 people there. Everyone cooks a little, while a few cook a lot! I am not alowed to be one of those people. I am only allowed to make the Green Bean Casserole (or GBC as I proudly call it.) You really can't mess up the GBC. And truth be known, it was John who prepared the GBC this year. And last year. Shhhh.
And a chance to put Noah on top of Dandy for his very first horse ride? Too much for my sister to resist. He loved it though, even if it did make his mommy very nervous.

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