Monday, December 06, 2010

Thanksgiving wrap up

Well, of course we went to Little Rock for Thanksgiving! Surely no one thought I would miss that, right? I went with the kiddos for the whole week to help my sister pack for her move into the city! Although, after I arrived with three children, I soon realized that despite my best efforts, I was not a huge help. I so wanted to though! I still feel bad. But, Noah was either into something, or Emmy was screaming. And Hope? I'm not sure I saw Hope the whole week we were there! She grabs her cousins and disappears for hours and hours of skit acting, movie watching, art making, doll house playing, trampoline jumping, make over doing....

In no order whatsoever...
Mimi time!
Bathtime in the sink!
Emmy scored a new Jenny Jump Up. She is not sure it's a good idea to let her sister swing her...
Baby Power!
Emmy tried her first Veggies on Thanksgiving! Sweet Potatoes! I even found her a Thanksgiving shirt that had baby food jars on it! So, that is the reason she is dressed like a boy! In her first pair of jeans!
Aunt Lisa and Emmy
More Taters
This is not the actual picture we used for Mom's Christmas card, but you get the picture of what we were trying to accomplish...
And because, the four Hoover siblings are incredibly awesome (or not), we did our own version...

Mama Bee and Paw Paw Sullivan
And, because she's too school for cool...

:) And, if you think I am mean for posting this, please know that my sister posted a picture of me drugged up and waiting for my appendectomy last year ON FACEBOOK. I will never be able to repay her for that one. I do love her though.

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