Friday, July 20, 2007

Pics from our weekend with Uncle Sam

Here are some of the pictures Sam took of his weekend here. I stole them from his facebook account...with his permission. We had a great time with Sam. He left on Monday morning with John, so Hope thought he had gone to Raleigh with her Daddy, and she was sad when daddy came home without him!

Hope and Her Uncle Sam

Sleepy Baby at Six Flags...she
had an imprint of the straw on her cheek!

Hope and Daddy switched hats.

Sam brought Hope a big Frisbee

She is a serious pilot. I think Sam liked that this was a St. Louis inspired ride, complete with the arch.
We actually got to ride a couple of rides together!
Sam was really excited to see Wendy's, because they are all shut down in the St. Louis Area.

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