Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Emmy Love update

Emmy Love had an egd done this morning and had several biopsies taken for different metabolic disorders. She was great! We should know the results in a week.

I realize this is not a huge deal. But, I have just been so worried. They had to put her under anesthesia and I was just a little freaked. But. Things could not have gone smoother. The staff at Children's Hospital (Legacy campus) were amazing. I knew our Emmy was in the best care.

Here she is in the waiting room.

Bless the girl's heart. She knew something was up. She was just so confused! We woke her up early, left brother and sister with Mimi and hit the road. She kept looking at us like, what are we doing?!

Daddy did the entertaining! He blew up a glove for E. She was obsessed with it. John and I started calling it "Wilson" like the volleyball in Castaway.

So really. She loved it. They gave her some meds about 30 min prior to the procedure to calm her down. She was so sweet and laid back. Unless. You tried to take away Wilson! In her drowsy state, she would sit up and look around panicky. I felt so sorry for her, I gave it back. Even if I was pretty sure it wasn't the mom of the year thing to do...

We looooove her GI doctor. Seriously. The nurses had explained to us that they would wheel Emmy in the bed down the hall to the OR. Then Dr. Russo came in and asked if he could carry her to the OR. It was such a sweet gesture and seriously made me feel a ton better. So we walked with them down the hall and kissed her goodbye. (She was still holding tight to Wilson!)

When it was over, we met with Dr Russo to look at pics that he took and discuss the biopsy stuff he was sending off. They sent us back to the waiting room until she woke up. When they did bring us back, Emmy was chugging Apple Juice. (She also
Still had Wilson!) She was pretty angry about the whole situation. The nurse asked where she got her temper from... Which is funny bc, I think she's pretty laid back, despite her eye rolling abilities. But, I guess we all know where a temper would come from if she had one. But, I know she was just feeling yuck.

She has done great the rest of today. Just a bit more fussy than normal. Praise God for a smooth day, and pray for some answers through all of this!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

1 comment:

Kerum said...

Jill, I am so glad things went smoothly. I pray that your family gets some answers soon and that Emmy will find some relief from her tummy troubles soon. Give that girl a hug from us...wish it could be in person!!!
