Wednesday, June 03, 2009

Oldies But Goodies (friends, that is!)

On Memorial Day weekend, our friends Brian and Kerum were in town and wanted to get together. Woo Hoo! It is so much better now that they aren't all the way in Hawaii and we get to see them more often. In fact, I believe this was the 3rd time I have seen little Colten and he was less than 4 months old Memorial Day weekend. Much better. We were having a hard time deciding where to meet up because of the iffy weather. Hope's suggestion was Playtime Pizza. Somehow, we fell for it. My friends Stacy and Lisa were able to be there too, and they brought along their new baby, Preston. Brian, Stacy and I go pretty far back! It is fun to now see all of our kids together. I am thankful for their friendships and also thankful that they both married awesome girls who are now my friends as well. Look mom, I have friends who are girls!

Look at those sweet cheeks on Colten! Love them! Such a sweetie.

I wish I had those sweet pictures of Austin and Hope when they were babies nearby. I will have to look for those soon! They were (and still are!) so cute together!
And oh my goodness, look at baby P! This is Stacy and Lisa's new one. He is such a precious baby!

Dear Noah,
If you are reading this letter, then it means you are 16 years old and you have asked me why you are not allowed to drive. This picture of you as a 12 month old baby behind the wheel of a pretend car should pretty much answer that question for you.
Much love,
Your Mommy

1 comment:

Kerum said... HAVE to send me the full size versions of these pictures! I LOVE them! Your black and white is looking good! Looks like someone's figuring out photoshop - I like the color pop!