We went home and Noah was asleep, but she gladly shared her story about finding the Pillow Pet and carrying it through the mall. John asked her if she dropped it on the floor and got it dirty at the mall. She said, "Well, it's machine washable!" Clearly, she has seen the commercial too many times.
Fast forward to Sunday morning. Noah woke up around six. He ate some breakfast, and then was playing in the living room quietly and watching a morning show. I went back to my room and laid down. He was back and forth between laying down with me (he loves a good snuggle!) and back to his toys. Then, he comes in with Hope's new Pillow Pet and in his deepest grumbly voice he says, "PILLOW PET?!" I wish I had it recorded because so much attitude was packed in those two words. It was like he was saying, You got HER a Pillow Pet and Not ME??? John and I both laughed so hard. I had no idea he even knew what one was. So began Noah's attachment to the purple unicorn. We got up and loaded up the car to go to Jennifer's lake condo for the day. Noah wouldn't let Hope touch the unicorn the whole way there. He held it, and bless her heart, I know it wasn't easy, but she let him. Then, every few minutes he would shoot her this look and grumble, "My Pillow Pet." Just to aggravate her. I couldn't help it, it made me laugh so hard. I had tears. I know it doesn't seem funny reading it, but coming from this sweet boy, it was cracking me up. I kept reassuring Hope that I knew it was hers and she tried her best to let it roll off her back.
Here is the only picture I took at the lake. Ooops.