Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Funny Boy

Makes me laugh all. the. time. I don't remember what was happening when I took this, but just now going through pictures, I laughed out loud when I saw this. He is truly the sweetest boy on the planet, buuuuut... we are seeing this face more often these days. Oh yes, terrible twos are on the horizon my friends.
(And it can't be good that I totally think he looks just like me in this picture, can it?)


Kerum said...

We see those faces a lot too...oh, and the throw down fits are always fun too. Why do my kids start the terrible twos right after turning one???

I did laugh when I saw your picture though...he just looks so grumpy!!!

Nicole said...

Definitely a grumpy guy in this pic, brig on the twos! I had to laugh...but he TOTALLY looks like you!

Anonymous said...

I have seen this face many times through the years... just saying...