It is so hard to believe this is our second Halloween here in McKinney. We all know Hope loves a good Halloween family theme, but I talked her out of it this year. I wanted Noah to be what he really wanted to be, Batman, and I did not want Hope to sacrifice another year of dressing up in what she truly wanted to be so she could be batgirl! She was a zookeeper last year because she could not stand to be left out of the monkey, banana theme the little two had going! Funny girl. So, I put my foot down on batgirl (and also, if you must know, I did not want Emmy to end up being the penguin or robin. Come on now. She's way too cute for that.) So, everyone got to be their own thing. Hope fell in love with the Cinderella Bride from the Disney store. So, she felt better about the whole no theme thing.
And yes, I will be using these next pictures for the slide show at her wedding!
So, last year, I was pretty homesick on Halloween. I didn't have anyone to show my kids off to. I don't think anyone told me how cute they were, and I was seriously sad. I have taken for granted taking my kids to my mom, sister and friends houses in Arkansas, and having them ooh and aah over how precious they are. I know. Silly. Anyway, this year I needed to show them off to someone who loves them. So, we did a practice Trick or Treat to my sweet friend Courtney's house!
And also, Hope's mommy is very boring and does not have much makeup. Not okay for Cinderella Bride. No worries. Courtney took care of her Hopeity!
She and Jeff Oohed and Ahhed and I felt much better that people loved them. Ha! And we texted pics to Mimi and Ninny and that helped too.
We had plans to go see Amanda and the little skeleton babies, too, but it sadly didn't work out. But she loves my kiddos too! ;)
Daddy finally came home, we ate our Mummy Dogs and hit the road! Ok, Noah took his Mummy dog on the road.
I didn't realize Emmy was cheesing it up until after I took this picture! Love her! She didn't make it to doors this year bc she's still not really walking (She steps, though!) Our Little Emmy Love had to be a Love Bug for Halloween! I mean, duh.
We went to Mrs. Neumann's house for our first night time Trick or Treat! She had special treats for them, and Hope is still talking about it! I definitely felt more love this Halloween! We hit several houses of neighbors we have gotten to know, which was great.
Batman got the hang of Trick Or Treating very quickly! He was all about it. And when we saw another little boy dressed as the Green Lantern, it made his night. He said " Where's the Green Lantern? Follow him!" He did very well with his thank yous too! At the end of our haul, he was exhausted. He was literally dragging his bucket!
All in all, we missed our Arkansas people, but it feels good to have McKinney people now, too. What a fun Halloween!